Dr. Raoul Wagner, LL.M. (NYU)
Attorney at Law, Partner
Trustee in Bankruptcy (Commercial Court Vienna)
Areas of Specialisation
Bankruptcy and Reorganization
Corporate Law
Corporate Finance, Cash Pooling, Austrian Capital Maintenance Rules
Trusts and Estates
Civil- and Commercial Litigation
Anti Trust Law
Strategic Consulting (Media, Politics)
White-Collar Crime
Mergers and Acquisitions
Due Diligence
Construction Law
Hunting Law (Lecture and Game-Warden)
Firearms Law
Self Defence Law (Law Enforcement Officer)
Board of Directors, Austrian Private Foundations
Trustee in Bankruptcy, Commercial Court Vienna
Legal Academic Education and Teaching Activity
New York University School of Law: Master of Laws (LL.M. C.J.), 2001
University of Vienna School of Law: Doctor of Laws (Dr.iur.), with Honors, 1999
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration: Teaching Assistant, Department of Austrian and International Tax Law, 1997/98
University of Vienna School of Law: Master of Laws (Mag. iur.), Merit Scholarship, 1997
Statutory Regional Hunting Association of Lower Austria: Lecturing Law Enforcement Officers (Game-Wardens), Hunters and Prospective Hunters in our Law-Related Aspects of Hunting and Service as Law Enforcement Officers (Game-Wardens)
Legal Practice
Hopmeier & Wagner, Vienna, since 2003
Lawfirm Graf, Maxl & Pitkowitz, Vienna, 2001 – 2003
Lawfirm Preslmayr & Partner, Vienna, 1999 – 2000
Ernst & Young, Vienna, 1997
Lawfirm Grohs Hofer Reiner, Vienna 1996
Lawfirm Newole & Hauser, Vienna 1995
„Geschäftsführerhaftung & URG – keine Haftung bei außergerichtlicher Reorganisation“, 1999, published by Linde Vienna, 156 pages, analyzing the 1997 Austrian Corporate Reorganization Act and showing ways to avoid manager’s liability. Cited in length and followed by Austrian Supreme Court (OGH) in decision 6 Ob 269/05k
„Zessionsverbot & Rechtswahl am Beispiel Cash-Pooling“ (prohibition of cession and forum selection explained in connection with cash pooling), ecolex 2006, 115-117. Article: „Eigenkapitalersatz: Typisierende Kodifikation vs. Minimalkodifikation nach US-Vorbild“ (a critical comparison of the history of equitable subordination in Austria, Germany and the US including a proposal to minimize the current Austrian subordination law bill), ecolex 2002, 748-750.
„Quotenschaden und Masseverwalter?“ (analyzing torts of creditors against managers during bankruptcy proceedings), ecolex 2000, 710-711. with co-author Mag. Ingo Braun. Cited by Austrian Supreme Court OGH in 6 Ob 110/00w. Article: „Unbefugter Zugriff auf E-Mail“ (analyzing ways to legally defend against unauthorized access to e-mail), ecolex 2000, 273-274.
„Verein und Eigenkapitalersatz“ (analyzing court decision drafted during clerkship at commercial court Vienna on equity substitution under bankruptcy circumstances), co-author Dr. Gerhard Saria, ecolex 1999, 31-35.
„Equitable subordination in the US and ‘Eigenkapitalersatz’ in Austria – is there a need for codification?“, http://www.raoulwagner.com/Publications.htm